Building on its success in Belgium, itsme® also offers its services to 2 neighbouring countries, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

In practical terms, this means that your services can also carry out qualified signatures with people who have an eID issued by the authorities of the 3 countries that make up the Benelux.

It is not necessary to have the nationality of the country to benefit from itsme® services, only the issuance of an eID card (regardless of nationality) is sufficient.
Creating an itsme® account is very simple, just follow these steps.

As a reminder, itsme® combines four complementary functions in a single application.

With itsme®, users can identify themselves, connect to websites, confirm transactions and digitally sign documents.
Signing with itsme® is a qualified digital signature that has the same legal value as a handwritten signature.

No other digital identity application offering such a range of services has ever existed in the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

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